National Socialism, which can be both the ideology of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party or another version of Socialism focused around the people and the nation, is based entirely on putting the nation, as a People’s Community, ahead of any and all international interests.
A nationalist view of Socialism has been found in everything from the Kingdoms of Medieval Europe to the Fascist movements of the 20th century. Only the radical individualists led by Jewish thinkers like Ayn Rand in the modern era have pushed an idea that members of a folk do not have a duty and a tie to help support their countrymen.
Socialism is often misunderstood as something terribly flawed because under international socialism usurious bankers who do not care for the well-being of the nation steal the work and resources of the nation. They only care about increasing their profit margins and extending it. International socialism always ends up serving a small oligarchy of Jews both on the international and national level.
Under International Socialism, the work and resources of the nation are stolen by usurious bankers and companies who do not care for the well-being of the nation, only increasing their profit margins.
Socialism gains its true form only through a total fighting brotherhood with the forward-striving energies of a newly awakened nationalism. Without nationalism it is nothing, a phantom, a mere theory, a castle in the sky, a book. With it is everything, the future, freedom, the fatherland!”
According to Sir Oswald Mosley, “If you love our country you are nationalist, and if you love our people you are a Socialist.” It is not enough to fight for your ethnic Identity, you must also have an economic view that fights for true Social Justice and liberates the folk from the bonds of slavery to capitalism and communism, the two ideologies of the globalist elites.
National Socialism encourages hard work and innovation, and a right to the fruits of one’s labor. A National Socialist society ensures economic justice and fairness for working families and a strong social safety net for those who need it. Instead of promoting a reactionary position against non-Aryans, the National Socialist Movement positively affirms White identity, White liberation, and White empowerment while standing in firm opposition to the true enemies of all people; the Jewish banking system and the Jewish versions of capitalism, communism, and globalism, all of which are parasitical and corrupt.