The right to personal freedom recedes before the duty to preserve the race.
National Socialism brings out all the best white people have in them — it lifts them to heights that even they thought were beyond their reach.
“A Jew cannot insult an Aryan; Jewish slanders are but badges of honor for an Aryan.” — Dr. Goebbels
The greatest sign of inferiority is from those who demand to be equal. Everyone wants to be equal to, if not superior to, the Aryan. But the cold, hard reality is that no non-White is capable of replicating an Aryan.
The organizing force of National Socialism opposes the disorganizing force of Jewishness.
“Up to the heart of life crawls the weasel Jew. He eats away the hot, beating, foaming, dreaming Mother Heart.” — Ludwig Klages
The National Socialist Movement follows the principles of National Socialism and belief in National Socialism is the only ideological requirement for membership.
Today women and men are pitted against one another through the ideologies of feminism and misogyny. The classes wage never-ending conflict against each other as capitalists use and abuse the workers, and communist agitators seek to divide the worker from what is best for his extended and immediate family. National Socialism instead stands for justice, fraternity, and teamwork for all of our citizens. We are one extended family, bound together by history, blood, and a shared future.
We seek to preserve and advance our culture, traditions, and our genetic inheritance that we reverently sum up in the famous Fourteen Words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”
One of the most misunderstood principles of National Socialism is that of the political system. In the current American regime, the endless democratic process leaves power and thus the loyalty of the politicians in the hands of those with considerable financial power.
Today the average American has less political power than ever before, while a small oligarchy of businessmen, bankers, and foreign interests are able to buy and sell both mainstream political parties. The mass media works with financial capital to control the messages that are presented and divide the population into voting blocs. Such policies turn us against each other. Our pockets are fleeced by Wall Street as our blood is shed in the endless wars for Zionist and capitalist interests. These forces push us ever closer into minority status throughout the entire European world, including North America.
If you are a descendant of the native European peoples and believe in our struggle, you are part of our extended family and have a place in this struggle. The late political prisoner David Lane said, “If someone looks White, acts White, fights White, then until their actions prove otherwise, they are our Folk.”
It is clear that White people in America are unrepresented and our demographic displacement into minority status is almost complete. The politicians in Washington: Republican and Democrat alike, encourage our accelerating dispossession with every passing year.
A response to nearly every single problem we have in our nation–from street crime to anti-White governmental policies, to attacks on our sovereignty and faith–can be answered in one simple phrase “If White people had a country of our own, this wouldn’t be happening.” It is time for us to build that country.
The European race is comprised of a large number of smaller ethnic communities with distinct languages, cultures, religious expressions, and traditions. Those who are Mediterranean, Celtic, Nordic, Slavic and so on, are part of the shared European race, the peoples who settled, developed, and built what we now call Western Civilization. From the Iberian Peninsula to the steppes of the Russian Federation and beyond, we are one large extended family. Here in the United States, Europeans from all European nations came and formed a new distinct ethnic identity, a White American identity and culture that is unique throughout the entire globe.
We are our own unique example of National Socialism here in the United States.
We must overcome our conservative instincts and sentimental ties which bind us to the regime in Washington, just as our forefathers overcame their sentimental ties to the crown in London. Men like George Washington originally served in the military for the British government, but saw the abuses of his people by the central authority were too much, and thus changed world history through creating a new nation.
While this government may have at one point represented the noble ideals of our past generations, it now only poses an existential threat to our future generations. We did not leave America, America left us, and it is time to initiate the cultural and social secession from this nation which necessarily precedes political secession.
The defining spirit of America is a push for freedom, liberty, and sovereignty. From the original Founders to the brave patriots like Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson of the Confederate States of America there is nothing more American than throwing off the shackles of a government that no longer represents you or your people, instead begin building a new government to be a government of the people, by the people.